Each paranormal exploration is different and tends to generate different evidence. Some is visual, some audible, some produces unusual responses from paranormal equipment and some produce direct impact on human feelings, emotions and senses. Though Spirited Events by Jofa cannot guarantee anyone will experience some sort of paranormal activity, our paranormal explorations are designed to work with individuals to determine which type of paranormal activity they are most likely to encounter.
Spirited Events by Jofa holds paranormal events for the novice and experienced paranormal enthusiast alike. We've explored small, local venues as well as large, more infamous venues. We are careful to map out where everyone is within a venue so as to reduce or eliminate contamination of evidence.
Check out some of the venues we've explored during our events. Click HERE.
Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVPs) Evidence. Though Spirited Events by Jofa has captured hundreds of EVPs that we have gathered from various events, until you hear one played live, it's hard to appreciate the mystery of EVP. This is a small sampling some of the EVPs we have cataloged. Click HERE for sample EVPs.
Some photographic images may be of interest to you. See below.
A series of 36 images where taken from this angel. The next photos shows an interesting light phenomenon.
This was the 3rd photo taken out of 36 consecutive images. Unknown light phenomenon that was unseen to those in the room but only captured on camera.
Photo taken of a group in a pizza shop with known paranormal activity. The next photo shows an anomoly.
Possible Vortex taken immediately after prior photo. (No hair, camera straps or other objects were in front of the camera). Taken in a venue with known paranormal activity.